Draft Delivery Agreement (March 2023)

Ended on the 20 April 2023

Appendix 4: Community Involvement Scheme

Stage 1 Delivery Agreement (LDP Reg 9) (Definitive)

Community Involvement Scheme


Description and Key Steps


Purpose of Engagement




People involved







The DA is the project management tool which sets out the agreed timetable and community involvement scheme for the RLDP

DA is drafted with input from targeted stakeholders and issued for public consultation

Following consideration of comments, the final DA will be submitted to Welsh Government following Council Approval

Welsh Government approves DA and formal commencement of RLDP begins

Engagement from WG on timescale and PEDW on suitability of Examination Dates

Public consultation to set out the timetable and allow input on the proposed Involvement Scheme

5-6 weeks public consultation March to April 2023

Full Council approve Final DA July 2023 and submit to WG July 2023

WG to respond within 4 weeks

Anticipated commencement of RLDP July 2023 following WG approval

Drafting – Internal stakeholders, Welsh Government, Full Council

Public Consultation-

All Stakeholders

Planning and Environment Decision Wales/WG

Elected Members

Drafting – Emails/Meetings, Report to Full Council

Public Consultation advertised via:



Drop-in sessions at Council Offices

Consultation Documents available on:

RLDP Website

Hard copy of document available at Civic Centre.

Final DA available on:


Hard copy at Civic Centre.

Full Council Agenda and Minutes will record the political engagement processes both for the draft and final DA.

The DA will include a report of consultation setting out comments received, a Council response to the comments and any amendments to the DA necessary

Ongoing internal work evaluating and updating the SA Framework and baseline evidence used to inform the existing LDP.

Ongoing consideration of adopting an integrated SA with relevant internal and external stakeholders

Stage 2 Pre-Deposit Participation (LDP Regulation 14) (Definitive Stage)


Description and Key Steps


Purpose of Engagement


Broad Timescales


People involved







To understand the context and issues to be addressed in the RLDP, to collect evidence and invite submissions of sites for consideration and to develop a vision and objectives to guide the preparation of the RLDP.

Review and update evidence base

Call for Candidate Sites

Engage with stakeholders to develop the key issues and form an overarching vision and objectives to guide the RLDP and the development of strategic options

Prepare the SA Scoping Report and undertake targeted consultation with key stakeholders

Prepare a draft RLDP Preferred Strategy setting out the overarching strategy and strategic policies and key strategic sites

Prepare the Initial SA Report and Habitats Regulations Screening Assessment

Obtain Full Council approval for the Preferred Strategy and SA/HRA documents to go out for a statutory public consultation

To build up the evidence base of key issues that the RLDP will need to take account of.

To receive from all stakeholders' potential sites for development or protection to be considered.

To get consensus from key stakeholders on a vision and objectives for the RLDP which will inform the Preferred Strategy

Ongoing from June 2022

The Call for Candidate Sites will be undertaken between August to October 2023

Statutory 5-week consultation period on the SA Scoping Report around August 2023

Engagement with key specific and general consultation bodies as considered appropriate on the development of the Vision and Objectives and Strategic Options around September 2023- January 2024.

Ongoing informal engagement with key internal department/external bodies to inform work throughout 2023

Full Council to approve Preferred Strategy and supporting documents in June 2024

Targeted engagement with internal departments and external bodies and neighbouring authorities in the development of the evidence base.

Consultation with Environmental Consultation Bodies on SA Scoping Report

The Call for Candidate Sites will be open to all stakeholders including internal departments, external bodies, developers, landowners, general public, community groups to submit sites for consideration

Targeted engagement with internal departments and specific and general consultation bodies as considered appropriate

Internal officers and RLDP Working Group if considered necessary

Elected Member engagement through process

Targeted engagement via:


Teams and face to face meetings

SA scoping report engagement via


Teams Meetings as appropriate

Call for Candidate Sites will be publicised widely on social media and the website in advance of the formal call for sites stage to allow parties to consider and prepare necessary evidence which will be key to ensure frontloading.

Call for Sites Stage will be publicised using the following as appropriate:


Drop-in sessions with officers via Teams or face to face meetings

Virtual meetings

Public Consultation advertised via:

LDP Stakeholder Database



Press and Social Media

Drop-in sessions at Council Offices

The Council will publish a detailed Candidate Sites Submission Guidance and Methodology to explain the anticipated site analysis and selection process

Engagement with specific and general consultation bodies via:


Face to face meetings/virtual meetings as appropriate

Background papers and evidence will be uploaded to RLDP webpages as they become available.

Following the Call for Candidate Sites the Council will produce a Register of Candidate Sites which will be available on the RLDP website and in hardcopy at the Civic Centre by the time of the Preferred Strategy consultation

Full Council Agenda and Minutes will record the political engagement processes both for the draft and final DA.

Ongoing internal work evaluating and updating the SA Framework and baseline evidence used to inform the existing LDP.

Statutory Consultation on the Scoping Report

Informal engagement with NRW re the HRA Screening Report

Stage 3 Pre-Deposit Consultation (LDP Regulation 15) (Definitive Stage)


Description and Key Steps


Purpose of Engagement


Broad Timescales


People involved







Public Consultation on the:

RLDP Preferred Strategy

Initial Sustainability Appraisal Report

HRA Screening Assessment

Background Evidence and any relevant topic papers

To achieve wide input into the Draft LDP Preferred Strategy, to allow stakeholders and the general public to submit their views on the emerging strategy, key policies and strategic sites and associated documents

Public Consultation to be undertaken for a statutory six-week period during July to August 2024

Consultation with all stakeholders with an interest in the RLDP

Public consultation to be widely advertised:

Emails to all consultees on the RLDP database

Council Social media Channels and website

Council Contact Centres

Officers will hold as considered appropriate:

Drop in sessions


Engagement with Community Councils and identified key groups

Consultation Documents and representation forms available on:

RLDP Website

Hard copies of Preferred Strategy available at

Civic Centre.

Copy of the Preferred Strategy and representation forms where possible at all Swansea libraries

The Council will consider the implementation of an interactive web-based system to record representations electronically

The Council will provide notice and statement of pre deposit matters at this stage in compliance with the Regulations

Representations received and officer responses to them will be reported to Elected Members.

All representations and responses, together with any changes to the Pre-Deposit Plan will be made publicly available as part of the Initial Consultation Report accompanying the Deposit Plan

Background papers and evidence will be uploaded to RLDP webpages as they become available.

The Council will follow best practice and consult on the Initial SA Report and HRA Screening Assessment alongside the Preferred Strategy although this will be specifically targeted at the Environmental Consultation Bodies.

Stage 4 Deposit of Proposals Consultation (LDP Regulation 17) (Definitive Stage)


Description and Key Steps


Purpose of Engagement


Broad Timescales


People involved







Obtain Council Approval on Deposit Plan and Public Consultation on the:

RLDP Deposit Plan

The SA (ISA) Report


Candidate Sites Assessment

Publication of supporting background documents (evidence)

Publication of Initial Consultation Report

To achieve wide input into the Deposit Plan to allow stakeholders and the general public to submit their views on the Deposit Plan, the key policies to guide the development and use of land and the proposed development allocations for varying uses and areas of protection.

Full Council to approve Deposit Plan and supporting documents in May 2025.

Public Consultation to be undertaken for a statutory six-week period during June to July 2025 on the Deposit Plan and the SA Report during June to July 2025

Consultation with all stakeholders with an interest in the RLDP:

Public consultation to be widely advertised:

Emails to all consultees on the RLDP database

Council Social media Channels and website

Council Contact Centres

Officers will hold as considered appropriate:

Drop in sessions


Engagement with Community Councils and identified key groups

Consultation Documents and representation forms available on:

RLDP Website

Hard copies of Deposit Plan available at

Civic Centre.

Copy of the Deposit Plan and representation forms where possible at all Swansea libraries

The Council will consider the implementation of an interactive web-based system to record representations electronically

The Council will provide notice and statement of pre deposit matters at this stage in compliance with the Regulations

The Council will record all duly made representations and make a copy of them available as soon as practically possible for inspection at the Civic Centre, Swansea

The RLDP Website will give details of the representations received as soon as practically possible.

Candidate Sites Register will be updated with New/Alternative Sites submitted during the

Representations and responses to them will be reported to Elected Members

All representation s and responses, together with any changes to the Pre-Deposit Plan will be made publicly available as part of the Initial Consultation Report accompanying the Deposit Plan Background papers and evidence will be uploaded to RLDP webpages as they become available.

The Council will follow best practice and consult on the Initial SA Report and HRA Screening Assessment alongside the Preferred Strategy although this will be specifically targeted at the Environmental Consultation Bodies.

Stage 5 Submission of RLDP and associated documents to the Welsh Government and Planning and Environment Decisions Wales for Independent Examination (Regulation 22) (Indicative Stage)


Description and Key Steps


Purpose of Engagement


Broad Timescales


People involved







The Council submit the RLDP and all supporting evidence and background documents to the WG and PEDW for Independent Examination.

The documents that will be submitted include:

Deposit Plan


DA (inc CIS)

Consultation Report

Review Report

Candidate Sites Register

Candidate Sites Assessment

Copy of duly made representations received at Deposit

Supporting documents and evidence.

The LDP team will notify all stakeholders that the RLDP has been submitted for Examination

N/A – RLDP required to be submitted in line with LDP Regulation 22

Submission of RLDP expected around December 2025

All stakeholders (including representors) will be notified.

Stakeholders will be informed by



Letters as appropriate

Copies of documents will be sent to the WG and PEDW in line with Regulations

The Council will publish a statement on its website that the LDP has been submitted for Examination and will make available for inspection during normal office hours at the Civic Centre, Swansea.

The RLDP and the submission documents will be published online.

Hard copy of documents will be available to view at Civic Centre Swansea

The Council will publish any correspondence received from the WG and the Inspector on its website.

A Programme Officer will have been appointed who will set up an Examination website and will serve as interface between the LPA and the Planning Inspector.

The SA (ISA) report will be submitted showing how the assessment processes have informed the Plan's content

Stage 6 Examination Submission of RLDP and associated documents to the Welsh Government and Planning and Environment Decisions Wales for Independent Examination (Regulation 22) (Indicative Stage)


Description and Key Steps


Purpose of Engagement


Broad Timescales


People involved







Notification of Independent Examination.

To advise of the appointed Inspector to carry out the Examination and timetabling for a Pre-Hearing Meeting

Publish details of the Hearing Sessions and notify all interested parties specifying dates and location

Identify areas of Common Ground with objectors to focus on hearing sessions

Prepare Matters Arising Changes (MAC's) as appropriate

Consult on MAC's

To undertake Independent Examination of the RLDP in line with LDP Regulations and allow stakeholder input into the hearing sessions as required by the Inspector

Notification to be received at least six weeks before the start of the first hearing session.

Estimated Pre-Hearing meeting January / February 2026

Estimated Hearings commence around February 2026 and will run to April 2026.

All interested parties (including representors). Participation in the hearing sessions will be at the request of the appointed Inspector.

Matters Arising Changes – All stakeholders will be able to contribute to consultation on any MAC's.

Formal notification given by email letter to any person that has made (and not withdrawn) a representation

Notice placed in local press (if considered appropriate) and on website

The public examination will be managed by the Inspector and appointed Programme Officer.

Whilst the Inspector will request participation from specific stakeholders the Examination will be open to any member of the public to attend and view proceedings.

Examination Library will be available to view on the Council's website but will also be available to view at the Examination venue.

Nature and form of the hearing sessions will be prescribed by the Inspector and will be published on the website. This will likely be in the form of round table discussions, formal hearings (if requested and agreed by the Inspector) and written submissions

Matters Arising Changes will be widely advertised:

Emails to all stakeholders on RLDP database

Advertised on website

Press and Social Media

Consultation Documents and representation forms available on:

RLDP Website

In hard copy at Civic Centre and

17 Swansea libraries

The Programme Officer will manage the Examination website which will keep parties updated and will upload agendas and statements for hearing sessions. All correspondence between the Inspector and the Council will be uploaded to website.

The Council will consult stakeholders and the public on any proposed post deposit changes (MAC's)

SA (ISA) related duly made representations can appear at Examination.

Any changes made post deposit (MAC's) during Examination or those required by the Inspector will be subject to assessment and made available for consultation

Stage 7 Publication of the Inspectors Report, (Regulation 24) (Indicative Stage)


Description and Key Steps


Purpose of Engagement


Broad Timescales


People involved







The Inspector submits his report to the Council detailing the outcome of the Independent Examination

Following a factual check by the Council the Inspectors Report is published within 8 weeks of receipt

Where the Inspector has recommended changes to the RLDP these are binding on the Council and the RLDP must be updated to reflect these changes

All parties will be informed of the receipt and subsequent publication of the Inspectors Report.


Inspector's Report expected by August 2026.

This will be published by the Council on or before LDP adoption.

All stakeholders (including representors) to be notified.

Inspector's Report will be published on the website and will be made available to view in hard copy at the Civic Centre, Swansea and where possible all Swansea libraries

The Inspector's Report will set out their findings as to the soundness of the RLDP including any recommended changes and the reasons for them.

The Inspector's Report will set out their findings on the SA (ISA).

Stage 8 Adoption (Regulation 25) (An Indicative Stage)


Description and Key Steps


Purpose of Engagement


Broad Timescales


People involved







The RLDP must be presented to Council for approval within 8 weeks of receiving the Inspectors Report. It must also widely publicise its adoption.

Following adoption, the Council will make available copies of the RLDP, Sustainability Appraisal Report and the

Adoption Statement


The RLDP will be adopted 8 weeks after receipt of Inspectors Report. This would be expected to be around September 2026.

The Post Adoption Statement (under the SEA Directive) is required to be produced within 6 weeks of adoption in line with good practice

Full Council will make the decision to formally adopt the RLDP.

All stakeholders (including representors) to be notified.

Adoption of the LDP will be widely advertised via Email, Website

Press, and Social Media.

The adopted RLDP, adoption statement, SA Report will be made available for inspection at Civic Centre Swansea and where possible all Swansea Libraries.

The adoption statement will be sent to anyone who requested to be notified of the adoption of the LDP.

4 copies of the LDP and adoption statement will be sent to the Welsh Government

Council meeting agendas and minutes will record the political process.

The adopted RLDP and associated documents will be published on the website.

Following adoption, the Council will publish the statutory Annual Monitoring Reports by 31st October (unless less than 12 months would have passed since adoption) which will report whether SA objectives are being achieved.

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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